TRIKLITS instructions

The control box has two buttons, the PATTERN button marked with a right pointing arrow (>) and a VARIATION button marked with a plus sign (+).

Power On/Off

If the PATTERN button is held down a few seconds the power is turned off and the selected pattern in saved in memory. Hitting either button turns the power back on and resumes the last saved pattern.

Effects selection

Pressing the PATTERN button selects the next pattern from the list below. The VARIATION button selects variations of the pattern, such as speed, color or brightness. You can hold this button down to step through the variations.
test sequence	  -                    turns lights on in sequence:  red, green, blue, white
xmas lights       sets of 1 or 3       random color changing lights in groups of 1 or 3
twinkle           color(8)             fast blinking lights
expander          sparkles/none        lights turn on from center to edges
explode           -                    lights explode from center
onecolorrandom    speed(4)             all lights change from one random color to another
twocolorrandom    speed(4)             alternate lights change from a random color to another
veryfastsweep     speed(8)             fast moving rainbow
fastsweep         speed(4)             moving rainbow
sweep             speed(4)             slow moving rainbow
candles           -                    candle flickering effect
strobe            speed(16)            white strobe light
flashcolorwheel   -                    all lights flash and change color slowly
flashrgb          -                    all lights flash red, green, blue very fast
rotryy            ryy/rry              chaser light sequence with red and yellow
rotany            color(256)           chaser light with adjustable color
rotrwb            still/rotate         chaser or still light of red, white, blue
rotrwg            still/rotate         chaser or still light of red, white, green
fixvw             color(256)           alternating lights of white and adjustable color
fixrg             still/sparkle        red/green lights with optional sparkling
randomcolors      speed(4)             random color changing lights
waves             color/sparkles(8)    smooth chaser waves, adjust color and sparking
colorcomets       speed(8)             color wheel comets
whitecomets       speed(8)             white comets
rbsnake           speed(8)             red to blue snakes
colorwheel        -                    all lights cycle through rainbow
fixwhite          dim(16)              all lights cool white, dimmable
fixwarmwhite      dim(16)              all lights warm white, dimmable
fixcolor          color(256)           all lights same color, adjustable color
fixdim            dim(16)              allows dimming of color from previous pattern
receive           -                    sets lights to receive mode for chaining to other strings

Receive mode

Receive mode is used when synchronizing multiple light strings, or when controlling the strings via the external interface. Step through the PATTERNs until you see the first three lights on the string lit up as RED, GREEN, and BLUE. This is the receive mode. To set the lights so they come up in this mode if they lose power, HOLD down the PATTERN button until all the lights go off. Now this mode is saved in memory. Now press the PATTERN button just ONCE more, this turns the light string back on in receive mode, but the lights will all be off until they receive a command from the interface.