Network Wizards
[ Overview | Hardware | Software | Configuration | Usage | Remote Access | Terminal Emulations | Appendix ]
This chapter documents the format of the configuration file and the available commands and arguments. The configuration file contains parameters for all the available options and settings that can be made. It is necessary to edit the file and set line parameters and other options for the WizConsole to function properly in your environment. A sample file is in the Appendix.

When WIZCON is started, it reads initialization commands from a configuration file. The configuration file is a simple ASCII text file and is usually named WIZCON.CFG (see section CONFIGURATION FILE LOCATION in chapter USING THE WIZCONSOLE). A generic configuration file is supplied as a starting point. You can edit this file with the editor supplied (PED) or with any other PC based ASCII text editor. To edit the file with PED, type "PED WIZCON.CFG" at the DOS prompt. PED is a simple menu based editor. Labelled function keys on the keyboard do what you would expect of them. Use the ESCAPE key to bring up the menus and the arrow keys to move around within them. See the file PED.DOC for more detailed instructions.

You can also use the Write configuration file command from the main menu to save any changes you make to your configuration. However, this command will not preserve comments in the configuration file.

File Format and Information


The configuration file can contain comments on any line. A comment begins with a semicolon and continues until the end of the line. Blank lines in the file are ignored.

Command Format

Command lines consist of a command keyword followed by arguments, which may or may not be required. Commands must be spelled out in full. Commands are not case-sensitive, but will be typed in uppercase throughout this document for clarity. Arguments are listed within angle-brackets . Optional arguments are enclosed in square-brackets [like so]. The angle or square brackets are not entered as part of the command. GLOBAL commands are specified first, followed by INTERFACE CONFIGURATION commands, and followed by LINE specific commands. These commands are described next.


Memory is dynamically allocated for input buffers, output buffers, and other miscellaneous uses. Memory allocation is divided into two regions, "near core" and "far core". Near core is allocated 64 Kbytes. Far core is whatever is left after that. Commands that allocate memory will designate which region they allocate from.

Global Commands

Global commands affect the operation of the entire WizConsole as opposed to specific commands for each terminal emulator. The following sub-sections describe the global commands.


This command sets the style of cursor displayed on the screen. The cursor <TYPE> can be a BLOCK or an UNDERSCORE. The cursor always blinks.


When the WizConsole first starts it will automatically connect to line <LINE>. If <LINE> is 9, it will display all the lines in split-screen mode. <LINE> can be 1 through 8, or 9.


The WizConsole has one large input buffer for all serial line input. Each input character requires two bytes in the input buffer. The argument <KBYTES> sets the size of this input buffer in kilobytes. 2K is the minimum, 32K is the maximum. We recommend 16K to 32K. The "K" is not specified as part of the argument. The input buffer is allocated from near core.


This command sets parameters used for logging terminal output to a file. <PATH> specifies the full name of a directory where the log files will be placed. <KB> specifies the size of the disk output buffer in kilobytes. <DTN> is the timestamping option format. See the USAGE chapter for details on using FILE LOGGING.


If this command is specified the screen will be blanked after <MINS> minutes of inactivity on the keyboard. 1 minute is the minimum, 1440 is the maximum. Once the screen is blanked, hitting any key will cause the display to reappear and the timer to reset.


This command specifies the type of video hardware if you want to override the default <TYPE> of AUTO. Normally, the WizConsole will select MONOchrome or COLOR mode depending on the type of video card installed in your system. If you are using a black-and-white display with a color video card you may need to set the video <TYPE> to BW. Valid <TYPE>s are AUTO, MONO, COLOR, BW.

Interface Configuration Commands

All hardware interfaces must be specified with an INTERFACE command. The command follows the format:

Two <TYPE>s are currently implemented: PARALLEL and SERIAL.

Each interface is assigned a "line" number. The line numbers are then used to set commands specific to each interface used. Line numbers start at 1 and increase. Host lines must begin with line 1. The WizConsole WC-2 only supports lines 1 and 2. The WizConsole WC-4 supports lines 1 thru 4 as host lines and lines 5 thru 7 for additional devices.

The WizConsole WC-8 supports lines 1 thru 8 for host lines and lines 9 thru 13 for additional devices. Lines 1 thru 8 typically specify host connections, line 9 and 10 usually specify remote access lines, and line 11 is usually the parallel printer port.


Only one parallel port is supported on the WizConsole. To specify the parallel port the command format is:

STANDARD is the only <TYPE> supported. <LINE> is the line number that you are assigning to the parallel port. <PORT> is the I/O port number in hex of the parallel port interface. On a PC with a monochrome video card the parallel port (LPT1) is at port 3bc. On most other machines it is at 378. To assign line 11 to LPT1 use:

   INTERFACE PARALLEL STANDARD 11 378	; printer port
   INTERFACE PARALLEL STANDARD 11 3bc	; printer port on monochrome card


Serial card configuration commands specify the type of serial cards installed in the system, and their specific hardware requirements. These commands follow the format:

Two <TYPE>s of serial cards are supported, "STANDARD" and "FOUR". "STANDARD" is used for the PC COM1 and COM2 ports. BEGINNING-LINE is the line number to assign to the first line on the card (or the line itself for STANDARD). IRQ is the interrupt request line number the serial port uses. Only IRQs 2 thru 7 are supported. OUT1/OUT2 specify whether or not the respective UART lines need to be on or off (1 or 0) to enable UART interrupts. The rest of the line contains parameters specific to each type of serial card.

The settings for "STANDARD" COM ports are usually described as listed below, with the line number assignments sometimes varying. The last parameter is the I/O address of each UART.

   INTERFACE SERIAL STANDARD  9 4 01 3f8     ;line 9,  irq 4, com1
   INTERFACE SERIAL STANDARD 10 3 01 2f8     ;line 10, irq 3, com2
The settings for the 4-port cards are usually as follows:

   INTERFACE SERIAL FOUR 1 5 00 2bf 2a0 2a8 2b0 2b8  ;lines 1-4, irq 5, card 1
   INTERFACE SERIAL FOUR 5 7 00 1bf 1a0 1a8 1b0 1b8  ;lines 5-8, irq 7, card 2

Line Specific Commands

Each serial port is assigned a "line" number in the hardware configuration section. The line numbers are then used to set commands specific to each serial-port/host being accessed. Line numbers start at 1 and increase. Host lines start at line 1, usually followed by remote serial lines, and then the parallel port. The configuration file starts out by setting defaults for all the lines and then line-specific changes to those defaults follow.

LINE <N> [<M>]

The LINE command sets the range of line numbers that all following commands will affect, until the next LINE command. The LINE command can specify one line (N), or a range of lines (N thru M). The specific line commands are described below in alphabetical order.


This command sets the character that will be transmitted when the backspace key [ <-- ] is hit. CHAR is one of "BACKSPACE" or "DELETE".


This sets the number of data bits per character transmitted and received by the WizConsole. It can be set to 7 or 8 and should match what the host system expects. It does not include the start bit, stop bits, or parity bits.


The FILTER-BYTE command lets you filter a single ASCII value before it is output on a line. The <BYTE> is a decimal value from 0 to 255. This is particularly useful to prevent ESCAPE characters from being sent to a logging device such as a printer (ie. FILTER-BYTE 27). By default, ASCII DELs (127) are filtered.


Flow control for each line can be set to <TYPE>s "NONE", "HARDWARE", or "SOFTWARE". Only one of "IN" or "OUT" may be specified; if neither are specified both are assumed. The types of flow control are as follows:

    Specifies both IN and OUT.

      When the WizConsole input buffer is near overflowing an XOFF
      is sent.  When the buffer is near empty and XON is sent.

      When the WizConsole receives an XOFF it stops transmitting.
      Output resumes when an XON is received.

    Specifies both IN and OUT.

      When the WizConsole input buffer is near overflowing RTS is
      lowered.  When the buffer is near empty RTS is raised.

      The WizConsole will only transmit when CTS is high.


When LOG-TO-FILE is specified for a line, all output from that line will be sent to the current log file. See the FILE LOGGING section of the USAGE chapter for details.


If a line is set to MONITOR-DSR, the WizConsole will watch the status of the RS-232 Data Set Ready input line (DSR, pin 6). If it changes state the WizConsole will sound a long beep. If it goes low the corresponding host label on the MENU line will blink. When DSR is high things are normal. This can be used to notify an operator when a host goes down or when power is lost (depending on how the specific host operates).


This command is used for copying output from one or more host ports to a logging device such as a printer or terminal. The commands for the logging device specify a MONITOR-LINE command followed by the line numbers to monitor. Any output from those lines is then copied to the logging device. For example, a printer on line 11 monitoring lines 1 thru 4 would be specified as follows.

   LINE 11
   MONITOR-LINE 1 2 3 4


This command sets a NAME for the host. The name is displayed on the console MENU line and used elsewhere. The MENU line can only display the first six characters of the name. The name should not contain any white-space.


This command sets the state of NEW-LINE-MODE. When new-line-mode is ON pressing the ENTER key transmits a carriage-return and a line-feed; receipt of a linefeed causes both a carriage-return and a line-feed. When new-line-mode is OFF no translations occur.


This sets the number of KBYTES for each line's output buffer. For normal host connections, 1 Kbytes are recommended. For slow logging printers try 4 Kbytes. Output buffers are allocated from near core.


Setting output-notify for a line will alert you when there is new output for a host that is not currently visible on the screen. BEEP will cause a short beep sound when there is new output. UNDERSCORE will underline the name of the host on the menu line. BEEP and UNDERSCORE can both be specified.


This command is used to set a password for a remote access line to the string <PWD>. A password can be up to 31 characters long. See the chapter on remote access for details.


This sets the <TYPE> of PARITY sent and received for each line. It can be one of the following: NONE, ODD, EVEN, MARK, or SPACE.


This command may be specified for one line only. It designates that line as the default line for printer operations. Printer operations include hitting the PrintScreen key and receipt of escape sequences that control a printer.


This command designates the current line as a remote access port. See the chapter on remote access for details.


This sets the number of lines of scroll history memory that will be saved for the line. The minimum is 24 and the maximum is 350. We recommend using 240 lines on a machine with 640K bytes of RAM. For performance reasons you should use a large amount even if you don't plan on using scroll memory (at least 48 lines). Scroll buffers are allocated from far core.


The SETUP-STRING command lets you specify a particular string to send to a line when the WizConsole is first started. This is most useful for setting up printers for certain features by sending them an escape sequence. <SETUP> is a string enclosed in double-quotes ("). The backslash (\) character can be used to quote special characters, such as backslash and double-quote, by placing a backslash in front of the special character. A backslash followed by a digit is interpreted as specifying an octal code, and so the backslash must then be followed by three octal digits. For example, this string puts an Epson LX-810 into draft mode with 12 cpi character spacing (escape 'x' null escape 'M'):

   SETUP-STRING "\033x\000\033M"
ASCII to octal code conversions are listed in the Appendix.


This sets the BAUD rate for the serial line. It is one of: 50, 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600.


The STAMP command will cause a date, time, and/or name stamp to be printed at the beginning of each new line of output. It can be used with both host lines and logging devices and printers. The argument <DTN> is a three digit number specifying the format for the Date, Time, and host Name respectively. Stamp formats are listed below; use "000" for no stamp. For example, the command "STAMP 221" will print a stamp such as "01-Apr-91 14:32:56 pluto: " before each line of output.

  Date: (FIRST digit)
  	0	none
	1	Mmm dd, yyyy
	2	dd-Mmm-yy
	3	Mmm-dd
	4	mm/dd/yy
	5	dd/mm/yy
	6	yy/mm/dd
 	7	mm/dd
  Time:  (SECOND digit)
  	0	none
	1	hh:mm
	2	hh:mm:ss
  Name:  (THIRD digit)
  	0	none
	1	name:


This sets the number of STOP bits sent after each character transmitted. It can be set to 1 or 2. 1 is recommended for most applications.

TABS [<COLUMN> ] ...

The TABS command first clears all tab stops and then sets a TAB stop at each COLUMN listed. COLUMNS range from 1 to 80 and are separated by spaces.


This sets the type of terminal EMULATION for each line. It can be set to one of: DUMB, MONITOR, VT52, VT100, VT220 or WYSE50. Terminal types are described in the TERMINAL EMULTATIONS chapter.


This command sets the number of screen lines to display for a particular host when the console is put in the split-screen monitoring mode. The number of screen lines can be set between 0 and 24. After hosts with this parameter are allocated their share of lines, the remaining lines on the display are evenly divided between hosts that were not given a specific window size. A size of 0 can be used to prevent display of certain host lines in split-screen mode.


This sets whether line WRAP is ON or OFF. If line WRAP is OFF, the cursor stops at column 80 and any new characters received are displayed at position 80 (until carriage-return or some other function moves the cursor). If line WRAP is ON, wrapping depends on the type of terminal emulation selected.

For VT100 and VT220 terminals, the 81st graphic character on a line will cause a carriage-return line-feed to be displayed first. For all other terminals line wrapping always occurs after the 80th character is received.

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