Transmitted Codes
Network Wizards
[ Overview | Hardware | Software | Configuration | Usage | Remote Access | Terminal Emulations | Appendix ]
This chapter describes the codes transmitted by the WizConsole to host computer systems. These codes are the same for all terminal emulators.

Standard Keyboard Codes

In all modes, the keyboard transmits the standard ASCII codes corresponding to normal displayable ASCII characters as designated on each keycap. Special non-displayable codes are described in the next section, and emulation specific codes are described in the seperate section for each emulation.

Special Keyboard Codes

The following special keys are defined as follows:

   KEY			TRANSMITS (code in decimal)
   control-@		NULL (0)
   control-2		NULL (0)

   Backspace [<--]      BS (8) or DEL (127)
   			 depending on "backspace-sends" setting
   control-H		BS (8) always
   control-Backspace	DEL (127) always

   Enter		CR (13) or CRLF (13,10)
   			 depending on "new-line-mode" setting
   control-Enter	LF (10)

   control-Break	BREAK signal for 250 milliseconds

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