VT52 Emulation
Network Wizards
[ Overview | Hardware | Software | Configuration | Usage | Remote Access | Terminal Emulations | Appendix ]

VT52 Keyboard Codes

In VT52 terminal emulation mode, the following special keys are defined:

PC			Equivalent	
KEY			VT52 key	Code Sent
Up-arrow		up-arrow	ESC A
Down-arrow		down-arrow	ESC B
Right-arrow		right-arrow	ESC C
Left-arrow		left-arrow	ESC D

PC			Equivalent		   
Shift-F1		PF1 key		ESC P
Shift-F2		PF2 key		ESC Q
Shift-F3		PF3 key		ESC R
Shift-F4		PF4 key		ESC S

Numeric Keypad

When NumLock is OFF, the keypad sends functions as labelled alongside the digits (Home, UpArrow, etc). When NumLock is ON and the terminal is in Keypad Numeric Mode, the keypad sends the labelled digit. When NumLock is ON and the terminal is in Keypad Application Mode, the keypad sends the listed Escape sequences. The following table describes this.

					      Keypad mode
PC		   Equivalent		     [w/NumLock ON]
KEYPAD KEY	   VT52 keypad key	Numeric		Application
 0			0		0		ESC ? p
 1			1		1		ESC ? q
 2			2		2		ESC ? r
 3			3		3		ESC ? s
 4			4		4		ESC ? t
 5			5		5		ESC ? u
 6			6		6		ESC ? v
 7			7		7		ESC ? w
 8			8		8		ESC ? x
 9			9		9		ESC ? y
 +			,		+		ESC ? l
 -			-		-		ESC ? m
 .			.		.		ESC ? n
 *			Enter		*		ESC ? M
Enter			Enter		CR		CR

VT52 Display Codes

This table describes the actions taken upon receipt of special control characters.

Character	Action
BELL (7)	Beeps the terminal.
BS (8)		Moves the cursor back one column.
HT (9)		Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
		 (tabstops are set by the TABS config file command)
LF (10)		Moves the cursor down one row.
CR (13)		Moves the cursor to column one.
CAN (24)	Cancels an Escape sequence.
ESC (27)	Starts an Escape Sequence.

This table describes escape sequences recognized by the emulator.

Function				Sequence
Cursor Up                               ESC A
Cursor Down                             ESC B
Cursor Right                            ESC C
Cursor Left                             ESC D
Cursor Home                             ESC H
Reverse Line Feed                       ESC I
Erase to End of Screen                  ESC J
Erase to End of Line                    ESC K
Cursor Addressing                       ESC Y row+32 col+32
Enter Keypad Application Mode           ESC =
Exit Keypad Application Mode            ESC >
Enter VT100 mode                        ESC <

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